Conference proceedings
Proceedings from the INFORUM conference (former INFOMEDIA) include all papers delivered since 1996.
Conference papers for year 2003
Cenkl, Přemysl
Comprehensive Agency Information on the EU
Duero, Michael
Public Access to European Documents
Gerlach, Kai-Henning
Workflow Integrated Solutions for Libraries: Management of Serials and Monographs
Hampl, Stanislav
Issues of the Usage Level of e-Government in the Czech Population
Harris, Alan
Kluwer Online - Accelerating the World of Research
Hradilová, Jitka
Simplified EU legislation and its presentation on the internet
Ingram-Smith, Robert
Digital Delivery of Teaching Materials
Karen, Vladimír
Pilot Research in Information Seeking Behaviour
Kasal, Pavel
Evaluation of Online Education
Kocourek, Pavel
What You Didn't See Is What You Get:
Dynamic Classification
Kocourek, Pavel
Advanced Search and Retrieval (not only) for DMS
Koltay, Klára
Electronic Documents in Libraries : OPACs vs. Gateways
Komárek, Pavel
National Program of Computer Literacy in the Czech republic
Koot, Annemarie
One Step Ahead with ScienceDirect
Křížová, Romana
EU programmes IST and eContent
Larner, Michael
Company Information from DataStar
Lengwenat, Ulrike
SpringerLink - E-content beyond Journals
Manzhukh, Zinaida
Commercial Exploitation of Cultural Heritage in Memory Institutions
Milchrahm, Elisabeth
Modelling the Acceptance of Information Technology [paper]
Nevrkla, Jiří
Professional Groups and Knowledge
Nevřivová, Petra
The Education Systems in the e-Environment [paper]
Paráková, Marie
PEC = Portal of Electronic Periodicals
Parkosová, Denisa
The system for management and sharing information in ČESKÝ TELECOM, a.s.
Pečený, Ondřej
The World According to Google
Poláček, Jiří
The Electronic Database of Academic Theses at FEA MU
Potáček, Jiří
Education of Information for Teachers
Psohlavec, Stanislav
Memoria Mundi Series Bohemica – from Safes to the Internet
Rodriguez, Raul Garcia
Country and Business Analysis and Forecasting from the Economist Intelligence Unit
Sklenák, Vilém
Semantic web
Snore, Edvins
Visual Contextualisation
Straka, Libor
Software Tools for Knowledge Management
Svoboda, Jaroslav
Public Information Services and Phare 2001
Škandera, Boris
30 years of METAL Database - what comes next? [poster/paper]
Tichá, Ludmila
Classes or Independent Learning?
van Halm, Johan
Invitation to the EUSIDIC Annual Conference 2003 in Prague
van Kleef, Erik-Jan
New Linking Solutions from Ovid Technologies
Vejlupek, Tomáš
Turning Information Available into Information Actionable
Zimmermann, Kerstin
Academic Information Portals
browse proceedings
- INFORUM 2018 (40)
- INFORUM 2017 (44)
- INFORUM 2016 (47)
- INFORUM 2015 (56)
- INFORUM 2014 (53)
- INFORUM 2013 (57)
- INFORUM 2012 (67)
- INFORUM 2011 (66)
- INFORUM 2010 (64)
- INFORUM 2009 (70)
- INFORUM 2008 (66)
- INFORUM 2007 (79)
- INFORUM 2006 (72)
- INFORUM 2005 (81)
- INFORUM 2004 (75)
- INFORUM 2003 (85)
- INFORUM 2002 (59)
- INFORUM 2001 (72)
- INFORUM 2000 (67)
- INFORUM 1999 (63)
- INFOMEDIA 1998 (47)
- INFOMEDIA 1997 (23)
- INFOMEDIA 1996 (33)
- INFOMEDIA 1995 (34)